I'm typing this entry one-handed, because I have what I believe to be a wicked case of tendonitis in my left wrist. I think part of why I'm in such pain is my stupid laptop. I put my wrist in a bit of a weird position to use that little mousepad, and that coupled with recent employment that requires frequent mousing and typing is too much for my little wrist to handle, I guess. I'm seeing an orthopedic doc in a couple of weeks (after that all-important insurance kicks in), at which time my theory may be shot to hell, but I don't really care... I just need relief! FYI: The hardest things to do with my non-dominant hand: teeth brushing and using a knife.
Phil recommended I drink plenty of wine to help the pain. It can't hurt!
Warning: Blogging May Be Hazardous to Your Health
at 22:01 1 comments
Pizza Sauce
I was at my dad's the other week and they had just finished roasting the ingredients for the homemade pizza sauce they use for their Friday night pizzas. It smelled incredible, and I will be making this as soon as I get my own kitchen and kitchen things.
at 21:26 2 comments
What Happens When a Bunch of Wallaces Get Together?
Three guesses.
at 21:27 2 comments
Clean Dog
Henry is not a fan of baths, therefore I do not really enjoy bathing him. He stands there in the tub shaking, afraid to move... it makes me feel bad to put him through such an ordeal. To reward him for a job well done, he got a new toy today.
at 15:52 1 comments
Funny Dog
Ah, it's nice to have Henry around. Tonight he was super excited and full of energy when I got home, so we ran around the house playing that funny game he likes, kinda like hide and seek mixed with chase. Then it was dinner time and he did this newish thing he's been doing... he takes a few pieces of food and puts them in a different room and comes back to them at a later time. Here are pics of the food he left and him coming back to get it later.
at 21:42 2 comments
A New Home, You Say?
at 08:12 4 comments
I Love It When a Plan Comes Together
at 22:54 0 comments
The Challenge
Ok, I'm now a two-being household. That means my comings and goings mean something not only to my schedule, but to Henry's as well. So.... right after Henry on the list of priorities comes to gym. It seems to make the most sense that I get up and go to the gym before work, come back home and get ready for work, then come straight home after work. But that requires waking up, which is not something I'm very good at. Today Henry let me sleep until 9am; I thought he'd wake me up at 7 or 8. I went to the gym as a single dog owner before, so why does it seem more difficult now? This week I'm going to try the morning work out. If this doesn't work well, I'll try to make a night work out schedule (which I prefer), but I think it's better for Henry if I do a morning work out. So just do it and quit making excuses!
at 09:12 3 comments
Power Breakfast
at 09:20 0 comments
Labels: recipe
New Fob
I got a new fob, and I am able to access the gym 24/7, although I don't take full advantage of that. The fob even works, I used it last night.
at 21:57 0 comments
I'm Trying, Y'all
See that light grey appendage on my keychain? That's my fob. It's function is to let me into my gym during non-staffed hours. I went last night after work, around 9pm, and wasn't allowed in. Spirits undaunted, I went home and did lots of push ups and sit ups, vowing to wake up early to go in the morning when a staff member was there. Woke up, got ready, went to the gym... still no entry, and apparently no staff member was there, because the door was locked. Went back to my car and called the gym. The manager answered, saying she would be there at 9:30am, could I wait in the parking lot? Well, not really, 'cause I have to get ready for work. So I'll stop on my way to work, get a new fob, then workout tonight. I'm not giving up!
at 08:37 1 comments
Beet It!
This was not so much cooking as it was heating, but it's still something I did in the kitchen, so there. This piece of stuffed salmon is from Trader Joe's. I think the stuffing was cream cheese, shrimp, and dill. Tasty. But the beet! I was astounded by the yumminess of the beet. I cleaned the beet well, keeping the skin in tact so the color inside was preserved. I also rubbed a bit of olive oil over the beet before loosely wrapping it in foil and baking at 425 for about an hour... I removed it from the oven when a knife slid into the beet (through the foil). I worked the skin off, then cubed the beet and sprinkled it with a spice mixture from, you guessed it, Trader Joe's. 300 calorie dinner, so I had a glass of wine with it.
at 20:59 0 comments
Technical Difficulties
Ok, it should work to comment on posts again, but I can't get it to put those little checkboxes under the entries... I've told it to enable this feature, but it's not enabling. I'll keep trying. Also, CSI Miami tonight directed by Rob Zombie is cool. That red-headed guy with the sunglasses on this show just cracks me up.
Also, while at the gym today I watched Deepak Chopra talking about people's need for instant gratification. He said when a person is thinking about eating a piece of cake right now, even though it may contribute to heart disease or diabetes in the future, he'll eat it. He said don't think about 20 years from now, just think about one hour from now. If you eat a big plate of onion rings or something, odds are in an hour or tonight before bed you will feel bad. I'm going to try to think like this.
at 21:19 1 comments
Exclamation Points!
Back from the gym, had a big, bad workout. Started with 25 minutes on the elliptical then 35 minutes of resistance with a trainer. Planks, crunches, windmills, etc... I'm out of shape!! But I feel really great now. We discussed nutrition a little bit, and I'm ready to do this! Ok!
at 15:16 1 comments
Let's Go!
Ok, reader(s)... who has a gym membership but doesn't use it enough? Who has a treadmill at home that's being neglected? Everyone, that's who. So let's just do the right thing and use our memberships and at-home fitness equipment, alright? It's got to be a little easier if we all do it, don't you think? I'm going to the gym now, and I'm going tomorrow, too. Ugh, this is so hard to get into, but after a couple of weeks, it's alot easier.
at 12:35 0 comments
February's Over!

at 09:13 0 comments