
I Love It When a Plan Comes Together

Today I came home at lunch to enjoy some quality time with Henry, so I was able to go to the gym after work! Normally I don't like making unnecessary trips (like driving home on my lunch hour), but something's got to give here, and I think this is the best way to make this work. Henry and I are looking forward to May, when we move into a permanent residence in a neighborhood with sidewalks. Until then, we're just going to do what we can. I'll come home at lunch, and Henry will be the adorable, loving pet he is.

Also today, I figured out what to eat and when during the day to keep energy levels high and not be starving when I get home for the night. I can't figure out a way to correct that run-on sentence-- sorry. Because I know how curious you are, here it is: 8:30am coffee; 10:30am PB&J on whole wheat; 2:30pm whole wheat pita with turkey, hummus, and olives and a thing of greek yogurt; 6:30pm frozen dinner with veggies and rice; 9pm 4 whole wheat crackers (pre-workout); 10:30pm that smoothie from a couple entries ago. I know it seems a bit high on carbs and a bit low on veggies, but I'm working on it.