
No Pudge!

If you haven't tried this fat-free brownie mix, you probably should (unless you hate brownies, but really, no one hates brownies). I've previously seen this mix at Trader Joe's, and was quite happy to see it at Kroger today. So, check your local stores, if you don't have a local Trader Joe's. You just add a bit of fat-free vanilla yogurt to this mix and you've got great brownies. I'd like to try it with coffee-flavored yogurt, but I chickened out today. Now I've got a stupid thing of coffee-flavored yogurt in the fridge. If you want this yogurt and will be seeing me in the next week or so let me know and I'll bring the yogurt to you.


erinka said...

My sister really really liked these brownies. I don't think she's a regular reader, so I'll post the feedback that she would maybe leave if she read this entry... "Yum, these brownies are great!"